
Thursday, September 9, 2010


Welcome to my blog Onemillionin90days. As the title suggests this blog is about earning a million dollars in 90 days. I know, I know your first thought is probably "that's impossible, no one can do that!" Well my goal is to prove that it can be done. Not only do I want to prove that it can be done but, that it can be done by someone without special skills or any starting capital. Before you navigate away thinking that you have heard this line before let me assure you I will not be asking you for $37 or $67 or even $1 to see how and what I do. I will provide you with the links that I used to get some great free information and will also give you the titles of the books I have read but, I am not selling you anything here. This blog is simply a journal of my journey. I can't even tell you what will happen at the end of my 90 days because I haven't even started yet. The 90 days to a million dollars will officially begin on October 1,2010.

So why am I doing this? First because my family and are in a financial position and we NEED a financial breakthrough. We don't need this breakthrough in a year or five years we need it NOW! Second because my ultimate goal is to show others that it can be done and that it can be done by them. I know that my family is not the only one out there in a desperate situation and when we are in desperation we need hope. I want to give them hope by letting them see that it can be done. Third in making a million dollars I will have the ability to give $100,000 to charity. Why $100,000 you may ask well that equals 10% of $1,000,000. And if I choose to give more than 10% I can! As a Christian I believe wholeheartedly in tithing and giving.

I will be trying to post everyday and warn you some posts may be extremely short as yes I do work a job, have children, and am going to school but, I want you to be up to date about where we are in the journey and know what we are doing. The next couple of weeks will be more about where I got this idea and the plans and actions that I am taking that are preceding my official kickoff of October 1, 2010. All actions that I take prior to this date will simply be in preparation for the kickoff. The ending date of my million dollars in 90 days will be officially on December 29,2010. On this date I will show you exactly what we have made and what we have given away in this 90 day period.

Thank you in advance for joining me on this journey and I pray that you will be greatly blessed and inspired by what you see.

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